Campbell Silman, pastor
As a young man growing up at Plains, Campbell never imagined God would call him into vocational ministry. Yet, in God’s providence he has served vocationally in ministry for the past twenty years. Neither did Campbell imagined that he would have the opportunity to return to Zachary. Yet again, in God’s providence he enjoys the rare blessing of serving in a church and city he has “loved since childhood.”
After graduating from Zachary High School in 1994, Campbell left Zachary to study music and sociology at Covenant College on Lookout Mountain, GA. He then received a Masters of Divinity from Covenant Theological Seminary in St. Louis, MO before moving to Corpus Christi, TX where he was ordained to the gospel ministry. Campbell returned “home” to Zachary in 2007 to serve as the Assistant Pastor of Youth and Families at Plains and in the fall of 2018 was called as Sr. Pastor. Campbell and his wife Rebecca have three children: Drew, Ben, and Vaiden.
Ricky Glenn, assistant pastor
Ricky describes himself as a “product of small town Mississippi.” Like most of the other boys in his hometown, Ricky loved playing competitive sports and spent the rest of his time hunting, fishing, and camping. One thing that he still carries with him from his childhood is the ability to see and enjoy the little things in life. The difference today is that he recognizes they come from a God who is good.
Ricky was 23 and getting ready to enter Southern Miss for undergrad when the Holy Spirit brought him to repentance and faith. Twenty two years later he’s still the same boy who cherishes little moments in life but now it’s with his wife, Jenny, and their children: Braden, Ethan, Jude, Joseph, and Eva Clare. Ricky still loves spending time in the outdoors which makes Plains church a great fit. He’s able to share his love for the Savior and enjoy God’s creation with others who do the same. Ricky is a graduate Reformed Theological Seminary in Jackson, MS.
Cameron Whitehurst, Assistant Pastor of Youth and Families
Cameron was born and raised just outside of Columbia, SC. Soccer consumed his life from adolescence through college. When he arrived at Erskine College in Due West, SC, Cam realized that he was looking to fill his heart’s longing for acceptance with sports, school, and relationships. Through the influence of older friends, Cam realized there was a God who offered him rest. Instead of his attempts to earn the favor of God and friends, Cam found rest in the gospel of Jesus Christ.
One reason Cam loves working at Plains is because he recognizes many youth in Zachary are looking for the same things he was and he gets to share the hope he has found in Christ. Cam loves black coffee, dumb comedy, eating with other people, and any sort of recreation. Cam is married to Brittany and they have two children: Anne Farrell and Meade. Cam is enrolled at Reformed Theological Seminary.